Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Im on a boat

Just arrived back from 8 days in italy.  Sooo dope.  Venice was ill, went to the jewish quarter and got free grub and met some pretty gnarly rabbis.  Rome soo sick, weak night life tho, and florence was pretty ill but im sorry to say the sandwhich place has nothin on ferraras.  Scheer and my family just arrived in london town and weve just been doin the whole tourist thing lately.  Ive gone to 1 class this week and that all i plan on going to so puck that.  Just got word that the cavs are the best team in the NBA and semi-freaked out and heard that kid cudi's retiring hahaha, dood  you like 15.  Last night was st. paddys and that was pretty fun.  Me and scheer suffered through the gayest play and then had to come really late to the pub.  everyone was already hammered so we needed to double fist our way to their level.  All i know is that at the end of the night we had a nice little chat about being real caked up spanked up and passed out.  Girls be diggin the tall goldy locks its real funny.  Anyways, i know i havent written anything for a long time but some advice for all yalls goin to italy anytime soon... dont kick around boxes in the street or a cop may tell you to shut the fuck up.  Im out peace.