Saturday, February 28, 2009


Went to fabric, a club in london, and it felt like i was trippin on E the whole time.  We first get there and theres a 2 and a half hour line to get in...seriously absurd.  finally i find this guy outside who says he can get my group in right away for 20 pounds a person..a serious ripoff...but for some reason when we got in it was only 6.. cheaper than the normal cover.  when we walked in all you saw where stairs leading down and bumping bass.  There were millions of people goin down so we decided to just follow them and it lead us to the bottom floor.  There was an absolutely huge room with crazy techno playing and a million people stuffed into the room with lights everywhrere and everyone wearing glow in the dark shit.  we got sucked into the mobs and did thizz faces all over the place.  There were also 2 more huge rooms with different techno djs and just as many people making mosh pits and gettin hyphy.. Tonights low key, maybe church tomorrow, italy for 8 days comin up