Saturday, February 28, 2009


Went to fabric, a club in london, and it felt like i was trippin on E the whole time.  We first get there and theres a 2 and a half hour line to get in...seriously absurd.  finally i find this guy outside who says he can get my group in right away for 20 pounds a person..a serious ripoff...but for some reason when we got in it was only 6.. cheaper than the normal cover.  when we walked in all you saw where stairs leading down and bumping bass.  There were millions of people goin down so we decided to just follow them and it lead us to the bottom floor.  There was an absolutely huge room with crazy techno playing and a million people stuffed into the room with lights everywhrere and everyone wearing glow in the dark shit.  we got sucked into the mobs and did thizz faces all over the place.  There were also 2 more huge rooms with different techno djs and just as many people making mosh pits and gettin hyphy.. Tonights low key, maybe church tomorrow, italy for 8 days comin up

Friday, February 27, 2009

Long time no blog

Yo, my bad for the absence I know you've been dying to read adamgoesabroad and dont worry cause here i am.  so, lately its been pretty slow here for the most part, schools startin to kick in with mid-terms this week.  Vinny came to town last week and it was super dope, we basically did every touristy thing we could think of.  tonight we are going to shunt, apparently its some absurdly crazy underground club and im sure it will be a good time.  spring break next weekend and im goin to italy! we have officially moved over the 250 beer hump to add to our collection also!  ill be back late night for a more funny blog i promise

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Today I went to Church... No not church church but this club called the church.  it was the most absurd place i have ever been to in my life.  basically we walk in, me and caitlin, and theres just mobs of people dressed in crazy outfits like masks and onesies and just super wierd shit dancing and going absolutely crazy.  im pretty sure every single person was completely black out and we felt like we needed to catch up in a hurry.  the bartender hands u a plastic bag with 3 of any beer u want and drinking it is.  Out of nowhere this magician jumps up on this huge stage and starts doing some of the dumbest magic ive ever seen. but then for some odd reason her top just flew off and she continued her magic set like nothing had changed.  quick after she finished her set the lights came back on and everyone just started dancing and drinking as fast as they could basically. then after about 5 minutes another stripper popped up on stage and started dancing.  it was the weirdest thing ever. most definitely the greatest place in the world

Saturday, February 14, 2009

i took the road lest traveled and then i got raped

while waffle fries are delicious waffles and fries in brussels are insanely delicious.  I just got back in london from a dope trip to brussels, belgium.  me and justin took the train there, 2 hours, yesterday mornin and chilled all day in the city partied at night and bounced today.  we went to the museum of chocolate, and to this bar called delirium that has over 2000 beers.  we got tanked and then went over to this other bar to get the worst mohitos ever.  people thought we were gay because we walked around all day valentines day together and went to romantic places.  tommorrow, sunday,   were goin to this club called the church.  apparently its like some club that is only open from 12-5 on sundays and is just utter chaos...cant wait.  time to go start the night keep it real real

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Oh Dam

Amsterdam was super insane...craziest place i've ever been.  We stayed at the Bulldog, a hostel, directly in the middle of the Red Light District.  At first I thought ehh it wont be that weird but let me tell you something...the red light district is filled with just about the wierdest people in the entire world and is the creepiest shit ive ever seen.  Women in windows, guys trying to fight you, the whole thing was wierd but interesting.  Our hostel was connected to a coffee shop, or the place were you go to get high.  Lots of people smoke in amsterdam and the language/people are hilarious.  For example, there are like all these rivers (they dutch call them channels), and we were getting directions to a museum and this crazy dutch women explained to us that it was "the schlecond schlannel on the right" or for what we interpreted as the english version "second channel on the right", but let me tell you it was super confusing and we often found ourselves roaming these crazy streets called like shiznkugelnipnip and freebergensticken.  We also thought it was funny to just start speaking jibberish at people in hopes thatt they would understand what we were saying.  Not gonna lie the trip was pretty much a daze but i do remember finding our way to the Roor store, which was an amazing find by heffe, and drinking absinthe.  I just got home and took a long shower...i've never felt so dirty in my life.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sky High

Im goin to amsterdam tomorrow!!!! It might be a few daze....

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Quick Question...

Do people read this or do I just write this nonsense for no reason...?

Get at me.